
© 2017

By PEN-FigHter™
They told me,
Go to school,
It’ll be fun,
They said.
Culture Medium,
Staining Techniques,
Microscopy and Calibration.
My brain,
Aching from all the cramming.

They said,
Love her right,
She’ll be there,
Now I’m stuck with a me,
Looking at the future,
With no certainty.
Hate, revenge, pain,
Filling the chapters and pages.
My world in the hands of God.

They said,
Smile always and apologize frequently.
Now I’m the dude,
Asking every n**** for help.
My life,
Swinging to the rhythm,
But my head dodging the storm.

They said,
Be yourself and never look back.
I’m a shadow of another,
A fragment of the original,
A piece of a puzzle.
My only sane thought ever?
Till now,
I wonder what it means.

They said,
Never be scared of losing.
Like Ali,
Accepts the hits,
Without counting.
I’m nursing a wound,
That won’t stop bleeding.

We gotta change this mentality,
I’m stressed,
My life in a punctuation.
My thoughts drifted far beyond,
Like a dot in a paper,
Lost in the eternity of footsteps
Left before mine.

This is a new month,
Let’s make it count.
Let’s embrace the present,
And forget the past.
It’s scary,
I know,
But let’s live life.

Right now,
I need a girl,
That I could sleep with all through,
And kiss her,
At the wake of dawn.
I’ll call her ‘Bae’
And smile,
Just to make her smile.
Interested Candidates?

Happy new month,
Let’s start a resolution.
A strong will,
A determination.

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